Monday, October 10, 2011

Munchkin Monday: Halloween Necklaces & Zipper Pulls

Happy Halloween!! okay i know it isn't time yet but i do love Halloween and all the fun decorations. Sadly i have issues with finishing projects so my goal is to finish 2 or more for each holiday! That means it will take years for me to complete all my dreams. That is good for the blog though cause i will have posts envisioned and planned for years.

These fun necklaces are very similar when making them as the cupcake necklaces. You use Sculpey  and create the fun shapes of your choice! My kids picked pumpkins, skulls, ghosts, and witch hats.
(remember sculpey should never touch pans or utensils that you use for cooking. I line my pans with parchment paper) 

My little man was having a hard time figuring out what his shapes would look like so we drew some out on the parchment paper. This way he could make sure his clay matched his drawing.

Showing off his creations

at the top you can see i just used some cording to turn this into a necklace. I tried to put a jump ring through our holes but our shapes were too thick and not want to go through well so i just slipped the cording through and then tied a knot at the top so it wouldn't move and would hang right then i attached a clasp on the ends.

Here is my Little Missy modeling her new necklace. To know the length just measure around their neck before you cut the cord and add about 1-1 1/2 inch for the knot remember it is always easier to trim a little off then to have to "add" more. :) The kids are excited to turn a few into zipper pulls to put onto their backpacks too (we didn't get them done last night before bed time so sorry)

I hope you enjoy these and make a few for you too!!


1. Robin said...

Cute Idea!! Where do you buy that stuff? Michaels?

2. Mooners said...

MIchael's has a cheap brand that works or JoAnn

3. Emily said...

So Cute!!!

4. Tara @ Tales of a Trophy Wife said...

I bet you kids love showing off thier creations.