I started to potty train my little boy. As moms we all know the hard work that it takes to potty train. What better way to celebrate this accomplishment then a party! My son is way into Pirates so that is the party theme that we chose. (Let them choose, so they can be more excited about the party) I made this poster that went on the bathroom door.
It has three sections: I went potty, I went poop, dry all day
As he did these things each day he got to pick a sticker and place it under what he had achieved.
The party reward is a far reward for them to wait for so I did as little reminders and for a good job along the way. I got a bucket and placed some dollar store toys and treats in the bucket. After he got so many stickers then he got to pick a prize. (You decide on the number of stickers they need to get according to how they are doing)
The Pirate Party is finally here
Addy was so exited to take his invitations to his friends
I took brown paper bags that I got at the grocery store and cut them to fit in the printer
I found a picture of a map and printed it on one side and put the party information on the other
Arrr! Matey it's a
Pirate Potty Party!
This pirate is potty trained and has earned his potty party.
join all the pirates in celebrating!
X marks the spot, so come find the treasure.
Chart ye course for Addy's house
date and time of party
Pirate and Pirate Princesses in proper attire or ye will walk the plank.
(Halloween costumes were accepted)
Arrr ye comin to the party?
number to RSVP to
Rolled them up, placed them in a bottle and sent them on their way.
I got my bottles at Wal-mart and drank what was in them. They have message in a bottles that you can send in the mail. What a fun idea. Check out the link
Let the party begin...
I found most of my decorations and favors at the dollar store so always check their party stuff when you stop in. Such a great deal for party stuff.
When the kids first arrived the Pirates got eye patches, swards, and a pirate hat. The pirate princesses got necklaces, sparkly head bands and a wands.
For the Pirate Princesses I found foam wands and for the Pirates I cut swards out of a foam poster board or you could use cardboard. They got to color and use foam stickers to decorate them.
When all the little kiddos come they have to walk the plank to get inside. This pictures looks really cheesy but they though it was fun.
For warmer weather have them walk a plank that goes over a little swimming pool. If they fall off then they get a little wet but way fun!
In the treat department I decided that it was so close to Halloween that we would have some fun Halloween treats.
Jello Oranges
Cut the oranges in half and clean them out. Make the jello according to directions on box. Fill the oranges to the top with the jello mix and place in fridge till firm. Cut into slices.
Mummy Juice Boxes
Wrap the boxes with white electrical tape and then place your eyes on them. So easy and so fun!
*make sure you don't cover the straw hole
Mummy Dogs
I have made these for my kids before and they loved them.
Trinity posted a recipe on the blog that is about the same as the one I used. to check out how to make these mummy dogs
click here.
Our little Potty trained Champ!
My only other suggestion for potty training is to make it fun and worth it for them to make this accomplishment.
GOOD LUCK!! You just might need it