What you will need:
-Yoda body and robe patterns. You can find the patterns here. (Scroll down to page 5 and print out the pattern.
-Green and brown construction paper
-markers, and/or scrap constuction paper for the face
-Optional items: googly eyes, alluminum foil,
1. Print out the pattern
2. Cut out the pattern
3. Trace the body onto green paper and the robe onto brown.
4. Optional: you can make a tunic out gray or tan or whatever color for yoda (The kids didn't do it, I just let them be creative) Look at the example here
5. Glue the robe and tunic to yoda's body. Make sure the front and the back of the robe line up when glued on.
6. Decorate the face with construction paper, markers, and googly eyes.
7. You can also make a light saber for yoda. I totally have to give credit to the oldest boy who came up with the idea to do the saber and put some alluminum foil on there
Let your kids be creative with this one. After all thats the best part of arts in crafts. Being creative and not having a right and wrong way to do things.
You can find this awesome post linked up to the following Fantastic Parties:
All the yoda's. (One of the boys was in a bad mood and didn't want to do it, turns out he's kinda a free spirit and does things as he pleases)
Sean's yoda (He has to be goofy in every picture) I love how he was creative with his and decided yoda wasn't complete without a saber.
This was a fun craft. I hope your kids enjoy it too.

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