Sunday, June 17, 2012

Star Spangled Banner Song Sheets

The fourth of July is coming up in a couple weeks, and in honor of this great U.S. holiday I want to share with you something I did last year to teach my daughter the lyrics to the Star Spangled Banner. While I don't expect her to completely understand the meaning behind the lyrics, I think it is important to share with her a touching tribute to our flag.

Here is what I created to help my daughter comprehend the Star Spangled Banner. The first file has clipart, the second file has blank squares for an older child to illustrate the meaning behind each line. I was in a hurry to put these together so I apologize if I misused anyone's copyrighted pics. I will gladly change them out if you let me know.

Star Spangled Banner Clipart
Star Spangled Banner Blank Song Sheet 

I hope these files help you and your little ones understand and appreciate the importance of our flag! It really is an incredible symbol of courage, determination, and perseverance... and no matter where we live or what we believe, I think we would all agree that those are qualities worth striving for!!
Happy Teaching!

You can find this awesome post linked up to the following Fantastic Parties: