My pantry hideously ugly...with a capital U G L Y!!! It's really not it's fault. That poor pantry door. It has just not been taken very well care
My house is a very much "work in progress" kind of house. I dream of the day when our money tree blooms and I can just do it all...and not piece by piece. So the pantry door has been a long time comin'! And by the way...I pretty much ignore that phrase "keep it simple." Oh I try to live it, but let's be honest...I just love to make my life complicated =)
So, here is the before....
And here is the after....oh yeah...I totally whipped out the chalkboard paint!
I got this at Lowe's too and now Matt and I have decided to put them on all of our door' at a time unfortunately (remember...our money tree hasn't bloomed yet)
And yes, I wrote a very "large" to-do list for my man. He tends to forget things and I really needed him to remember to pick up the kids and fix dinner while I was at work. Are any one else's husband's forgetful like mine???
So whip out that chalkboard paint and make something exciting!
Okay so you mention me in like every post i am starting to get a complex and i dont think it is a good one. :) This one you dont say anything about me in the post but we are in your husbands to do list :)
This is so on my list of things to do to my new house... when i get this one sold. I love this idea, so sute
This blog really awesome for the information of it regarding on pantry doors. Keep writing and posting at the same time. Nice work!
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