Saturday, February 11, 2012

Valentines Date ideas

Put the stem of a rose where he will see it when he open the front door. A note attached to the stem reads: "This little rose is no longer pretty. It really is such a pity. Follow the petals one by one, and you will find where the beauty has run."

Valentine's day is a great time to let him know how beautiful you really are.
The petals should lead him to your bedroom door or to the kitchen table all romanced.
When he opens it, he will never forget what a special Valentine he has fallen in love with.

All Day Love Message

Take a box of kid valentines and number them 1 to how ever long your message is. On the back of them write a message to your lover. Place these cards all over the house, in his car, wallet, shoes, jean pocket, places that he is going to find them through out the day. At the end of the day he will have found all of them and can now put them in order to get your LOVE message.

I made my hubby some date night kits for Christmas to help build our relationship.♥

Each themed date night is organized in a manilla envelope with a card of instructions and some of the materials needed (thank you dollar tree). There is also an extra envelope that holds additional ideas for dates on strips of paper.
Our themes are Prehistoric Date, Night Under the Stars, Mission Impossible, Class Act, Colors, Random Date, Service Date, Blind Date, 80s Date, Game Night, Play date, Musical Date, and my personal favorite Digital Date. I tried to pick things I know hubs and I both would enjoy doing, since date nights have been lacking after we became parents. For more detailed information and some pdfs click here.

I’m Linking up to these Awesome Blogs!


1. College Dating said...

These are great date ideas! Dates don't have to be always dinner outs but must be fun as well. Great post you got here. Thanks for the information that you've shared with your readers. :)