Thursday, February 23, 2012

DIY Thursday: Yarn Pom-pom Garland

Yarn Pom-pom Garland

I saw this idea at my friend Sara's house.  Her garland was red for Valentine's Day, and it was so cute!  Well, since I am home from work with a sick little boy, I thought I would give it a go.  I decided to go with gray, because that is the color I am totally diggin' right now.

Here's how I did it:

I cut a 5 inch piece of yarn and taped the ends onto a marker.

Then I started to wind yarn around the marker.  I went around about 50 times.  I know that sounds like a lot, but it isn't & it totally went fast!

I un-taped my small yarn piece and tied up my wound yarn.  Tie it tight!

I put the tip of my scissors on the end of the marker and slid the wound yarn onto the scissors.  This is the easiest way I found to cut it.  I tried pulling it off the marker & then cutting it, but it took way to long.  This way made just one simple, even cut!

Here is my cute little pom-pom!

 I took some thread and strung my pom-poms and some black rhinestones onto it.
I then glued the rhinestones in place.  I just needed an extra little bit of flair!

So cute, right???
Gotta love me some black & gray!!!

I taped the ends of the thread onto the back of my mirror to hold it in place.
I'm totally loving it & it was a super easy change to make to my living room.

You can find this awesome post linked up to the following Fantastic Parties:


1. Bonnie and Trish @ Uncommon Designs said...

I love anything yarn! these are adorable!!! Thank you for sharing at Uncommon! Bonnie :)