Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wild Card Wednesday: Green Smoothies

I decided to jump on the bandwagon and try out green smoothies.  I had one day and decided I really need to make this a daily part of my diet.  I started doing some research for recipes, etc and found they had many health benefits.  I have noticed a big difference in how they have helped me.  My body seems to function better when I have had one.  I really crave them when I don't have one. 

Here is my basic recipe
2 cups spinach
2 cups frozen fruit
2 cups water
1/2 cup apple juice (with no sugar added)
sometimes I add a tablespoon of Honey or Agave.  Usually its sweet enough without. 

Since I have a simple and cheap blender I start by blending the spinach and water and apple juice.  I then add the frozen fruit.  I have done many combo's of frozen fruit.  I buy my spinach and fruit at costco.  Of course you don't have to buy it there but it is cheaper to buy in bulk. 

Here is some combo's I have done
strawberries and banana's
strawberries, mangoes, pinapple, papapya
strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries

Try them out they are really good.