Monday, November 28, 2011

Munchkin Monday: Homemade Baby Wipes

Who is tired of the high prices of baby wipes? Who wishes those expensive wipes didn't run out at inopportune times causing rush, expensive, inconvenient trips to the grocery store?
I know i am cheap! I like to make things myself, helping me become independent from the stores. I hate being strapped to stores and the high cost of things.
Another thing I dislike is time drainers now if it takes me a long time to make something that i can buy for almost the same price. Well you better believe i am going to buy the thing done and not make it. But i do love KNOWING how to make things.

These wipes are CHEAP, EASY TO MAKE, AND WORK FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!

My little 18 month old tends to get a red bum often and since using these he hasn't had a single rash!! we are super excited to have a cute baby butt in our home again :)

(Thank you Robin for sharing this fabulous recipe with me and helping me make them the first time!!)

You need to get-
Bounty Paper Towels (no cheap kind here)
2 C. water
2 Tbsp. baby wash (i like the yellow johnson and johnson)
2Tbsp baby lotion 

Place water, baby wash, and lotion into a small saucepan, and bring to a boil.

Cut your paper towel in half and place half into a plastic container. (yes i used a number 10 metal can to make my first batch, but the can rusted so you shouldn't use one)

Pour the hot water over the towels. Place lid on and let rest for 10 min. Then flip the container over and let rest again on the other side for 10 min. 

Now you can pull the center cardboard out. It should just pull out very easy! 

TA-DA Now you can clean stinky bums to your heart's content!!

 Things that make you say:  

Confessions of a Stay At Home Mommy Six Sister's Stuff


1. Robin said...

You're welcome :) LOVE these at my house. I even got my hubby to make them last time! I got my years supply for around $12.

2. Carrie @ My Favorite Finds said...

I have been thinking about trying this. I think I'm going to after seeing your suggestions here.

3. Karyn said...

Great idea! I have got to try this!! I have a linky on my blog and would love to have you join in. Thanks for sharing!

4. Confessions of a Stay at Home Mommy said...

Sup sis? You've been featured on my blog!

5. Traci said...

This could really come in handy, I always run out of wipes at the WORST times haha! Visiting from TT&J

6. Lindsey said...

Love this. So cheap, easy, and fast. Definitely going to have to try this when my little jelly bean comes!

7. baby rashes said...

I just love this home made baby wipes, it just works on me and my baby.


8. buy online said...

These do-it-yourself baby wipes steps are so easy to follow. Thanks so much!
