Saturday, August 13, 2011

Woodland Baby Shower

A Baby Boy is coming to play in our neighborhood so we had a PARTY!!!

I know it is weird why did we take a picture of the presents and post it?? just to show you how cool we all are?? No!! So you can see that quilt, it is from Babies R Us and the mom to be Heidi decorated her room in this theme so we wanted to match the theme for her shower. Now let me just explain Jill and Teresa don't do cute really well okay we enjoy it but dont seem to "DO" super cute for our things, but Whitney on the other hand always does cute (for example her little girls 1st birthday party). So when you put us 3 together it might get to be a little fun!!

Look at the diaper cake-Diapers are from target then Jill got some fun ribbon to wrap it in. we used our cupcake toppers for some of the decorations on the cake and also some AMAZING woodland creatures that I (Teresa) hand sewed. We then set the cake on top of a SWEET stump that Jill's dad just had laying a round his house. (thanks Jill's dad for the awesome stumps)

Games-1-Guess how many diapers are in the cake winner gets a prize. Easy game to play as people are arriving to the shower. 2-Attendees also brought a baby picture of themselves so we played guess who the baby is. 3-Present Bingo as the Mom-to-be opened her presents there was a number on each one and people would cross it off their Bingo cards. We gave people blank Bingo cards so they could write their own numbers so we didn't have too many numbers and not enough gifts to use it with.  We keep the games simple as we had a range of ages and Heidi doesn't really like games herself.

These frames area fun decoration for a cute woodland nursery. I (Whitney) bought some shadow boxes at Ross or you can find them at a craft store. Find scrapbook paper that coordinate together for the back ground. I found some woodland creatures on the internet and printed them on photo paper and used glue dots to put the animal on the front glass part of the frame. 

Fresh Garden Salsa 
4 medium size tomatoes, chopped
1 green bell pepper, chopped
1/2 cup chopped onion (if it is a stronger onion then do less)
cilantro about a palm full , chopped
salt and pepper
2T oil
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
I love vinegar so when i make it i put about 1/2 cup in it.

Sweetened Condensed Milk=Yummy caramel
Take 1 can or 3 cans of sweetened condensed milk place in a crockpot with about 1-2 inches of water. Turn on low for 6 hours. DO NOT over cook for lets say 9 hours or yours will look as ugly as mine (Teresa's) did. It tasted fine not amazing like it normally does but we all ate it and enjoyed. Thank you Crystal for reminding me about the recipe and making it so i could try how fantabulous it tasted before i tried it myself :)

CUPCAKES!!! I know we think you must have cupcakes with everything and it might be true. This recipe can be found here. The cupcake toppers were downloaded from here yes they cost a little bit of money but it was well worth it as you can see they were used for the cupcakes and for a couple of the cute frames.

I (Teresa) am learning that I LOVE to handstitch i almost like it more than my sewing machine so i will just let my husband use that and i will use the needle. We bought the pattern for these cuties here. The small ones are the original size and the big were enlarged on the copier by 200%. I got the felt at Michael's and i liked that they had a variety of browns so i didn't have to use the same on any of the animals.


1. Kristine@thefoleyfam said...

Super cute!! Love all the details!!

We host a linky party called "Help a Momma Out" every Tuesday! This would be an awesome link up!! I would love for you to share it! Thanks so much for considering :)


2. Michelle said...

This is so creative! Love the theme!

3. Winklepots said...

What a fun theme! Love the incorporation of the stumps in the decor. Very very cute.

4. Urban Hoot said...

The stumps in the decor is perfect! Great job!

5. Jessica said...

This is adorable I love the fox too cute!