Saturday, July 9, 2011

Butterfly Birthday Party

I found these butterfly's that i just fell in love with, so i bought one and that is what i use to base the party off of. I found mine at Kmart but i heard they now have them at Wal-mart.
I made these invitations, just printed out a butterfly that i liked put lots of glitter on it. i wanted the wings to stand up and be more realistic so i taped some wire on the back and bent the wings. on the on the other side i put the information for the party.
Butterfly kiss, giggles and wishes our little butterfly Lexi is turning one!

My baby girl just turned one and we had a butterfly birthday party with all the family. The color them that i went with was bright and cheerful. I mainly used pink and yellow but also had little splashed of blue and green.

We had cute bug catchers, butterfly nets and some plastic bugs for them the find. The one hanging in the back i cut out of cardboard and then wrapped with some fun pom pom yarn.
On the blue balls hanging in the back i cut out and folded butterfly's and used a glue dot to hold them on the balls

This a fun do it yourself butterfly mobile. I found a clip art on the computer that i liked and printed them, cut them out, i took some wire and shaped it into a circle and wrapped it with some matching yarn. Then i attached fishing wire to the ring to hang the butterfly's from. After you attach the fishing wire the the ring at the top tie a bead to the bottom to wight the string down. You can make them as long as you want, as short as you want. Customize it to what you want. Then i used some scrapbook tape to stick the two butterfly's together with the string in the middle.

These are to die for!! I am in love with these new cupcake push pops. They hold 2 mini cupcakes with two layers of frosting. In these push pops i make white cake with Teresa's strawberry frosting and then added big slices of strawberry to the tops. I also made some butterfly's out of white chocolate. melt the chocolate down and put in in a pipping bag. On wax paper pipe butterfly wings (i found out the hard way, the thicker the better) While the chocolate was still melted I sprinkled it with pink sprinkles. You can find these amazing push pops on

This is a fun way to add to your party. I went and got cream soda in glass bottles,wrapped them in cute pink paper and put circle tags on them. On the tags i stamped a big 1 and then lexi across the one .

We had lemon-aid to fill them up with when they needed more. Who needs cups when you can use a bottle!

These straws are so fun for i found these ones at hobby lobby but i have also seen them on They are calling the Barber Straws. SO CUTE! It just adds a fun detail to your event.

I can't believe my baby girl is one. We are so blessed to have this sweet spirit in our lives.


1. The Stephens Family said...

You are AMAZING! Way cute birthday ideas. I just might steal some for Cambree's birthday:)