I just had a really fun play date where we made fourth of July shirts, homemade stickers and had ice cold saved ice.
What you need to make these firework shirts is a plain colored shirt, paint, plates, pipe cleaners, and some cardboard. Before you start painting make sure you put your cardboard in between the shirt so it doesn't bleed to the back. next you need to make your pipe cleaner fireworks

Put your paint on the plates and go to town. We also had some puffy paint that were sparkly and some that glows in the dark
I think they turned out really cute they were a lot of fun. My little boy can't wait to wear it. He is so exited that he got to paint his shirt.
Homemade stickers
2 parts nontoxic glue
1 part white vinegar
mix them together. with a brush, apply to the back side of the paper. let this completely dry(about 1-2 min) apply another coat on top of that. let dry
The best way is to use computer paper, either draw your own pictures or print some off the computer. After applying the glue on the back, cut around the picture, now you have your own sticker. Store excess glue in air-tight container.