Friday, November 1, 2013

Foodie Friday: Easy breakfast

Are your mornings ever crazy and hectic?  Do you ever feel bad just giving the kids cereal everyday?  I sure do!  Mornings are always busy with school now because I like to sleep as long as I can.  So here's my solution:  freezer meals!!  What I do is one day, usually a Saturday or Sunday, when I actually have time to make breakfast, I make a double or triple batch of whatever I have planned.  It really isn't much extra work to make extra pancakes or waffles.  Then whatever doesn't get eaten, I throw in a freezer bag and freeze.  Then the kids can just grab them and throw them in the microwave, add butter and syrup.  I also do breakfast burritos and pancake muffins.  It makes it nice that they can have a variety and I don't have to cook every day!!

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