Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Wildcard Wednesday: Starburst Candy Corn

 Just a quick review on this fun Halloween inspired candy. I was at Walmart the other day looking for pumpkin Hershey kisses, which I could not find. :( And saw these bad boys.
Being me, a lover of all things candy corn (my favorite is the pumpkin shaped ones) I could not pass up buying a bag. They cost me just under $2 and all in all it was not a bad investment. First of all they taste a lot like Starburst, my husband liked them a lot even though he is not a big fan of candy corn. And secondly they had the classic candy corn texture, which I was a big fan of. I am a huge texture person, its why i don't like fresh tomatoes.
ANYWAY... if you are looking for a fun colored, yummy new candy to try this holiday season give these a try. I think you will like them. :)

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