Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wildcard Wednesday: Floating "Harry Potter" Candles

I have done a few posts recently about my younger sisters bridal shower, which was tie dye theme, and now we move on to the bachelorette party which was Harry Potter theme. (Yes my sister is that awesome.) One of the decorations I made is floating candles, like you might find in the main hall at Hogwarts. :)
I looked at a lot of websites to find ideas for the party and a few of them had floating candles, unfortunately I can't remember what sites they were. Sorry... kinda...

So the process was pretty simple. You need paper (white and yellow), scissors, tape or glue of some kind, a needle and thread, and something narrow and round to roll your paper around.
 Cut the white paper in half, hot dog style, and wrap it around your tube. (Mine was from the middle of a wax paper roll.) Use tape or glue to hold the paper together.
 Then simple slide the paper off the tube.
 I made like one hundred of these, a little over ambitious in hindsight.
 Next comes the flame part of the candle. I didn't want to sit there cutting out every single flame so this is the easiest way I came up with to make more than one at a time. Take your paper and cut a squiggly line down the long side of the paper.
 Then carefully make another squiggle cut going the opposite way.
 You can just pull apart the flames and use a little more glue or tape to attach them.
 To make your candles "float" take your needle and thread and poke a small hole in the flame part of each candle threading through them. I kept it to 10 candles per strand because they did get a little heavy.
 Below you can see our Dobby trying to avoid hitting the candle with his tower of hats. :)

Just a heads up, do not make one hundred of these, unless you have the time to put them all up. But they really do look really cool and added a fun ambiance to the night for not very much money.This would also be a fun thing to make for Halloween.

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