Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Sweet Tooth Tuesday: Caramel and Chocolate Dipped Apples

I must be in the mood for Fall already.  I am wanting to wear my cozy sweats and pajama's.  I want to curl up with a blanket and watch a movie or read a book.  I also want to make some great fall recipes for dinner.  Too bad the heat hasn't broken yet.  The best I could do for now was make dipped apples.  I found my recipe here.

Here is what you will need:
1 cup melted butter
1 cup light Karo syrup
2 cups packed brown sugar
1 14oz can of sweet condenced milk
1 tsp. Vanilla

9-12 apples (I used granny smith0
candy or popsicle sticks.  (I used kabob scewers)
melting chocolate.  (I used milk chocolate chips and it didn't harden without the fridge.  I would suggest the wilton melting chocoate.  You can get it at Michaels)
optional: spinkles, nuts or candies

1. Wash and dry the apples.  Be sure to remove the stick
2. Remove stem and put in the stick
3. Combine the melted butter, Karo syrup, brown sugar, and sweet condenced milk into a heavy sauce pan.  Bring it to a boil on medium high.
4. Once boiling bring to medium to medium low.  Stir Constantly
5.  Let the temperature reach 233 degrees or soft ball stage
5. Remove from heat and stir in vanilla
6.  Dip each apple in caramel and place on greesed peice of tin foil.  I placed my greesed tin foil on a baking sheet. 
7. Let cool completely. 
8. Melt your chocolate and dip apples in chocolate
9. Let cool a minute and sprinkle on nuts, sprinkles, or candies.

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