Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Sweet Tooth Tuesday: Soda Pop Ice Cream

The weather here in Utah has been so hot this summer that we are continually trying to find ways to cool off. It especially doesn't help that I'm 26 weeks pregnant!  One way of beating the heat is eating ice cream, one of my favorite things to do. I LOVE ice cream! Homemade ice cream is even better. Usually we make vanilla ice cream, but I ran across a recipe on Pinterest for some soda pop ice cream and figured we should try making this. I am really skeptical when it comes to homemade ice cream recipes, but I have to tell  ya that this ice cream is really yummy. You can use whatever flavor pop you want. We used rootbeer since my family are HUGE rootbeer fans. I think my husband and daughter could survive of rootbeer! Haha.  Anyways this is a super easy recipe. We are excited to try out more flavors of pop!

Soda Pop Ice Cream:

  • 4 Cups any flavor pop (I used Rootbeer)
  • 1 14oz can sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 Cup whole milk
Combine all ingredients together and place in an ice cream maker. Once the ice cream maker stops or slows done your ice cream is done! Take out and enjoy!

***Our ice cream took about an hour in our ice cream maker to be completely hardened.***

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