Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wild Card Wednesday: New addiction!

This is Teresa! I might have a little crafting ADD. I flip between things as fast as you can change your unders.  My poor husband is so used to be collecting and going extreme for one thing and then a few weeks later it gets put away to pull something new out :) I am not sure if this is good or bad but I then save everything!! because the crafting circle always comes around and I always go back to each thing. The new addiction is......

Digital Scrapbooking!!!!!!!!!

I have always ignored digital because I have sooo much real scrapbooking supplies and I didn't want to invest a ton of money into things that aren't tangible. 

Well thanks to one of my best friends I am now Digital Scrapbooking and I have only spent $4! In 4 years she has only spent about $24. Because of all the freebies out there and having someone teach me the ropes I am glad I have started this adventure. 

What program do you use??
My friend searched the Adobe website and found me a FREE download! There are tons of places on you tube to go to for helpful instructions on how to use Photoshop

Best places to print?
so far I have found.....
Shutterfly and Costco (costco is cheaper of the 12x12 but doesn't have the smaller sizes) 
What are the best sites to share/ learn and earn free things?

Some of these sites have free daily downloads and they all have monthly challenges that often give you things to use for the challenge. These leave their challenges up for weeks or months so you can go back and gather some of the older ones. You do have to set up a log in for their site/store and or forum (yes 2-3 log ins per site). All of the designers have blogs and facebook with more freebies! If you join any of these sites look out for me TREEMOON. 

There are numerous things you download-Templates(a starting point for each page)
Kits-(all the goods), Alpha, Masks, Quick Pages (pages already done you just insert a picture into them). 

Lets just say I am OVERWHELMED with everything but loving the challenges. 

I will post more and let me know what you want to learn and I will give you tutorials on how to do and what to do. :) 

p.s. new fun signatures coming soon made by me (I hope).

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