Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Sweet Tooth Tuesday : Gorilla poop (Nutella No-Bake cookies)

So awhile ago I bought a huge thing of Nutella at Sam's. Club. I have been trying to come up with way to use it so I don't open the jar and eat it by the spoonful as I am watching TV....not that that isn't a bad thing....but for some reason my pants don't like it....

On Father's Day, since I didn't have a chance to go to the store the day before to get the ingredients for the dessert I wanted ( yes....I was a procrastinator and waited until the day before) because I had 3 kids screaming and fighting....so my store trip was cut short. But my hubby is such a great dad and hubby that I still wanted to make something sweet for my sweetie (I told him the elaborate dessert would be Monday after I go to the store) He has been asking me to make some no bake cookies for awhile and he likes Nutella.... so this was the perfect time to try a new recipe.  I think I may like this version better than the classic peanut butter and chocolate....I got my original recipe from Six Sister's Stuff (I LOVE that blog...go check them out!!! They have a recipe for everything!)

1/2 cup butter
1/2 cup milk
1 3/4 cup granulated sugar
4 Tablespoons cocoa powder
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1/2 cup Nutella
3 cups quick cooking oats
In a saucepan, combine butter, milk, sugar, and cocoa powder and heat over medium heat. Bring to a rolling boil and let boil for one minute. Remove your saucepan from the heat.
Add Nutella and vanilla to hot mixture and stir until combined. Add oats and stir until completely incorporated.
Drop by spoonfuls onto baking sheets lined with wax paper. Let cool (or you can eat them all warm and gooey- that’s yummy too!).
*Sometimes, this recipe turns out more runny or more dry . . . I really think that it depends on weather, altitude, and how long it boils.  I think I ended up adding about 4 cups of oats....so make sure you have extra on hand, I almost ran out....

1 comment:

  1. I have never been a huge fan of no bake cookies but I like that you cook part of it and I love Nutella. I am for sure going to give this a try.


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