Thursday, July 25, 2013

DIY Thursday: Project Toy Cover Up

We are currently using the back of a bar that my husband "rescued" from the side of the road as storage for the boys toys and a place to but the DVD player and cable box. Now while I realize that we cannot afford to get something that I really want for that purpose at this moment, and i am ok with that, the fact is that it is UGLY and I was sick of it. So i decided to cover it up.
Awhile ago I made these pillows to replace the awful pillows that we used to have on our couch and I used the extra fabric from that to make the cover.
I won't bore you with how long it took me to firgure out the sizing that worked for the fabric I had because it is a very very long boring project. Just measure twice and cut once, as my mom would say, and make sure you leave room at the edges for the seams.
I ironed the edges down before I sewed them about 1/2 an in. This is a thick fabric and it made the process so much easier.
At the corners I tucked the end in of one side at a 45 degree angle and sewed across it. I have to say that I was way to proud of myself at how this came out. :) It just looks so fancy. (To me.)
Then I cut four, 3 in pieces of Velcro and spaced them evenly across the top of where I was planning on hanging the cover from. I chose to use the pokey side of the Velcro on the fabric so when it was not hanging people wouldn't hurt themselves of the bar.
Then I sewed them down on all four sides.
I spaced the other side of the Velcro on the bar and hot glued them to it.
And for extra stability I nailed them in.
On two sides.
TA DA!!! I think it turned out pretty well and as a bonus everything around it looks cleaner too. Its magic!
No not really. I had to take all these toys out of the chest to make it close. he he. Well, that's all for now. I hope this at the very least gave you some ideas on how to spruce up or cover up some of the unloved spaces in your home. How do you deal with toy storage?

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