Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Wildcard Wednesday: Hi I'm New!

Hey all. My name is Leanne Smith and the lovely and very Talented Terrace Girls have agreed to take me on as a guest poster to see if I am up to snuff to join the terrace gang. So hopefully in a month I will be a full fledged Terrace Girl but for now I am just a girl with a dream. A dream to share with all of you out there the pinspired (look I invented a word) and chaotic life I live.
So I am not a particularly crafty person. Like at all. Not a huge fan of ribbons and bows, I don't make any centerpieces for holidays. I would call myself a low budget huge impact crafter. I want the most bang (meaning tons of compliments) for the little buck that I am willing to spend.

I also tend to be a functional creator, I will always go for the idea that will make my life a little easier rather than the wreath that I will take out and use a month out of the year.

I am obsessed with caramel and will choose it over chocolate, peanut butter, or marshmallow any day of the week. (Teresa has been the willing recipient of many of my caramel experiments, and can vouch for me.)

And while I am currently in a house surrounded by boys, my two little monsters and their daddy, I currently am expecting a little girl. (Yay me!!) But I am a little scared. Having gotten very comfortable in the world of cars, trains, dragons, and dirt, I am not quite sure how to transition into bows and tutus. Hopefully being surrounded by these amazing women I will have the strength to find my inner princess, and be able to share with you some of my adventures on getting there.

Can't wait to share more with you and explore myself a bit also in the process.


  1. Well Leanne.. I already know how fabolous you are but it'll be fun to read about your adventures on this blog. I was waiting to hear what you were having so Congrats on the soon-to-be princess... albeit a little ironic for the person who is "not a huge fan or ribons and bows" :) You were always amazing with my kids so I know you are an amazing mom and your babies are blessed to have you!! Love, Shelby

  2. I am excited to have you on our blog. I can't wait to meet you. I have heard lots of great things about you.


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