Thursday, June 6, 2013

DIY Thursday: Decorative Picture Frame

Just the other day my husband brought this picture frame home for me. Apparently his work will sometimes get salespeople that will come in and they leave little items like this picture frame, metal slinkys, pencils, just a bunch of random stuff for employees. So being a thoughtful man he brought me home the picture frame and a slinky for the kids to play with. This is a great picture frame, but you got to admit it is a little dull and boring. I thought I would spice it up a bit. Decorating picture frames are easy and lots of fun. These are great to do for young womens activities, youth camps, super saturdays, or if you just want to do something fun and crafty!

The frame before:

And after:

Supplies needed:
  • A picture frame ( a wood one works best. I know most craft stores will sell unfinished picture frames)
  • scrapbook paper (You want paper with a small pattern)
  • scissors
  • modge podge
  • paint
  • embellishments (flowers, jewels, ribbon, etc.)

Step 1:
Trace your frame onto your scrapbook paper and cut it out. Make sure the paper is upside down!

Step 2:
Remove the frame glass if it has some and trace the hole. Make sure to pay attention to how your paper is laying so it will look ok when you go to glue it on the frame.

Step 3:
Set the paper aside. Paint only the edges where the frame shows and the scrapbook paper doesn't cover. You will want to use a color that will match up well with your paper. I used black, but could have used white instead if I wanted. Let dry completely.

Step 4: 
Glue your paper on by applying a thin layer of modge podge on the frame. Slide your fingers across the paper to make sure to get rid of any bubbles. After that if you want to you may go over the egdes of the frame with some paint VERY LIGHTLY! I think this really makes the paper and its design pop. You can do this using a makeup sponge which I think works best or your paint foam brush. You will want just a little bit of paint on there and you will want to dab it on a paper plate a couple of times in case there is too much paint on there. After that you will just lightly dab the paint along the edges and then let it dry.

Step 5:
Apply a thin coat of modge podge over your the top of  the paper to seal and protect it. Let dry and then put your picture in.

 Step 6:
You could just stop at Step 5 if you want but I like to add a little more to frames by tying on some ribbon at the top. You could also do something like sticking a big flower in a corner or even put a few flowers on. Just experienment, see what looks good with the paper and enjoy looking at your cute new frame :)



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