Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Sweet Tooth Tuesday: Gingerbread Trees

This is a post from last year but it is so fun I thought I would share it again =)
A great Christmas tradition is building gingerbread houses and decorating them.  We have lots of fun doing it, but usually our houses cave in and they end up a pile of crackers, frosting and candy.  I wanted to do something that would be easy, fun, and would stay up.  I heard this idea and instantly loved it!  Gingerbread Trees!!  It was super easy, cheap, and the kids had fun!  It kept them occupied for a couple hours and wasn't labor intensive for me, which was good considering we did this 5 days after I had my baby.

Here's what you need to create your own gingerbread tree forest:
sugar cones (not waffle, the sugar ones are flat and will stand up)

frosting (either store bought, or whip up your own, I used shortening and added powdered sugar until it was the thickness I wanted)
food coloring, optional

whatever candies you want to decorate (sprinkles, dots, m&m's, marshmallows, licorice, ect.)

Then let the kids spread the frosting and decorate (and of course they will munch on the candy)!  So easy!!

You can find this awesome post linked up to the following Fantastic Parties:

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