Thursday, December 26, 2013

DIY Thursday: Brown sugar & vanilla sugar scrub

 This year for Christmas I ended up giving my sister in law and one of my sisters this sugar scrub. Sugar scrubs are really easy to make and you can make some really yummy smelling ones. Homemade scrubs work just as well as store bought ones at making skin super soft. Sugar scrubs work great on heels, elbows, anywhere you want to soften your skin. This particular scrub only needs 3 ingredients: sugar, coconut oil and vanilla. Simple enough right? I had fun making this and it really does leave your skin nice and soft. I'm excited to experiment, try new scrubs, and share with you.

Vanilla Brown Sugar Scrub:
 1 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup coconut oil, melted
1-2 tsp vanilla

Combine all ingredients in a bowl and add more brown sugar if needed. Put in a jar/container and wrap with ribbon or whatever else you may like.

*Tip-You can save containers and reuse them instead of buying new ones by just removing the labels off of them*

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