Thursday, November 7, 2013

DIY Thursday: Peace Craft from Crafty Wood Cutouts

 Hey everyone it's Tifany! I had the opportunity to do a craft for Crafty Wood Cutouts. For those of you who may not know anything about the store, they are similar to the Wood Creations store that we have done guest posts for before in the past. I enjoyed creating and want to thank Macie at Crafty Wood Cutouts for the opportunity to do a craft.  These guys are located in Orem and have lots of cute unfinished wood crafts. Check them out by clicking on the links. You can find them on FacebookPinterest, and their Website.  

 My finished product
 What you need:
  • Scrapbook paper
  • Paint that matches your paper
  • Mod Podge
  • Wire
  • Ribbon
  • Hot glue gun
  • Jewels or any other kind of embellishments

This is what the craft looked like when I first got it: I just needed to sand a few of the edges before beginning to paint and create.

Step 1:  First I traced and cut out my letters on scrapbook paper. You can use sandpaper to file off any excess paper that hangs off the edge of the wood.

Step 2:  Paint the letters as well as the star, and baby manger. The front surface of the letters doesn't need to be painted because that is where the scrapbook paper is going to go.

 Step 3: Apply a THIN layer of mod podge on each letter, doing so one at a time, and carefully place your scrapbook paper on. Smooth out your surface and let dry. It should dry pretty quick.

Here is all the letters with the scrapbook paper on them.

Step 4: Once your mod podge has dried, file off any excess paper that is hanging off. You can use sandpaper or I have found that using a nail file works really well. This is pretty easy.

Step 5: Apply your finishing touches. Apply another thin layer of mod podge over the paper to seal and protect it, curl your wire if you wish and glue it on, glue together the manger, tie on some ribbon, and place on some jewels if you wish. It's kind of hard to tell from the picture, but I also put some glitter on the star and then mod podge over it to seal it. Once you do that you have a cute new Christmas craft!

Now go out and get your own PEACE letter set!

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