Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Skull Vase

First I want you all to know this vase is in backgrounds of numerous other pictures because I might have made it last year took pictures and didn't get it posted :( I know I am lame but I promise there are many many more posts like this.. yes I am meaning taken at least a year ago and then I finally get them up for you all to see. 
Also I took pictures as I made it and now I can't find them so good thing this is such an easy project.

Dollar Store Vase
Foam skull small enough for your vase
spray paint
 First cut the back of your skull off! As you are cutting it off look at the curve of your vase and try to match it as close as possible so the skull will lay more flush making it look like 1 item. I used my kitchen bread knife and then a smaller knife and my nails to get the curve I needed. 
Then I glued the skull onto the vase. I used Elmers glue and it was BAD!!! If you look at my vase you can see streaks from where the glue ran while it was drying. Then I used hot glue and it melted part of my foam skull. So I would recommend using a glass adhesive ( I still don't have one cause I haven't glued anything else to glass) If you have to use one of the 2 mentioned I would go with Hot Glue it dries so much quicker and didn't streak. 
You have to be patient if you have a longer drying glue now is the time to leave your pretty vase and let it dry until tomorrow when you can paint it :)

 Now take your vase outside and spray paint it the color of your choice. I focused mainly on the outside of the vase because no one can tell you didn't do the inside. :) 

here is a background picture of the vase with crepe paper roses in the vase which I either need to make again or buy cheap dollar store Halloween flowers. 

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