Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Scrappin' Addiction

I have recently joined in the digital scrapbooking world as well.  I love it!!  I wasn't sure how I would like it because I am a paper scrapper. But that stuff does get expensive....and time consuming...and messy.  Teresa helped me get started.  I love having no mess and being able to stop and save and come back to it later.  Since I have been doing it, I found a few favorite designers.  Well...one of my favorites had an opening in her Creative Team (CT) so I decided to apply, figuring what the hay...what can it hurt?  Well lucky me!  I got a spot on her team.  It is with Twin Mom Scraps.  Her designs are so stinkin' cute!!!  Last week she released a new kit.  It's called Pirate Island. (and  it is on sale this week!!)

Pirate Island KIT

How fun is this?!!  Here are a few layouts I made using this kit:

These are from Brenna's pirate themed party when she was 6.  There are so many possibilities with this kit.  You could even just use it for more boy colors/theme. 
Go check out all the super cute and fun stuff she has in her store!!  I am super excited to work with her and get to play around with her fun kits!!

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