Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Scrappin' Addiction: Gotta Grab It!!!

Gotta Pixel has a sale going on right now!!  Today is the last day to get each part of this kit, (the elements, papers, clusters, templates, ect) for$1.  The great thing about this is you can pick which part you want.  Also, other designers made kits using the same color palette so you can mix and match. So if one kit has papers you like, but you like the theme of another, you can just mix and match.  I have this super fun kit from Twin Mom Scraps.  We like to do fun little experiments so this fit perfect!!  plus I got a part of another kit from another designer so I can mix and match things and make lots of different  pages.  I am really, really loving doing digital scrapbooking.  I love that I get to work with such a great designer too!!!

Twin Mom Scrap's Store

Here was a layout I made:
Remember this post? Last year we experimented with some baking soda and colored vinegar.

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