Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Sweet Tooth Tuesday: Smore stuffed cookies

I love to stuff things inside of cookies =)  This recipe is one of my favorites....but just a warning, the cookies it makes are pretty big (the original version).  I cut the size in half so they are a bit more manageable.  The original recipe calls for half a Graham cracker, half a large marshmallow and a couple squares of Hershey bar.....when they are cooked they are about the size of  a small plate.  I found the original over at Picky Palate.  These are the perfect summer cookie since s'mores are the classic camping snack.

These aren't too fancy, but just a bit tricky to wrap the dough around. Just use your favorite chocolate chip cookie dough recipe, mini marshmallows, chocolate chips.  You can use big marshmallows, just cut them or you can use Hershey bars, but just use 1 square....unless you want to make them giant like she did at Picky Palate =) 

Layer your stuff
Smoosh the dough around so the cookie,marshmallow, and chocolate chips are completely covered.

Cook for about 15 minutes at 350 degrees.

Sorry, not a good picture of the inside because I took it after the cookie had cooled, but go check out Picky Palate's pictures....They are mouthwatering with their strands of marshmallow and chocolate oozing out....

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